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Details according to § 5 TMG
Carina Bucspun
Gartenstraße 7, 10115 Berlin, Germany
E-Mail: c o n t a c t @ x r a l l s t a r s. c o m  
Tel.: +49 1590 140 2208
VAT ID: DE353460623  

Responsible for the content according to § 55 RStV
Carina Bucspun
Gartenstraße 7, 10115 Berlin, Germany
E-Mail: c o n t a c t @ x r a l l s t a r s. c o m  
Tel.: +49 1590 140 2208
VAT ID: DE353460623  

Online settlement of disputes in accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission is providing an online dispute resolution (OS) platform, which can be found at  We are not legally obliged to participate in arbitration proceedings and unfortunately cannot offer participation in such proceedings.  Copyright Any use of copyrighted works outside the copyright restrictions requires the prior consent of the respective copyright holder; this applies both for private and commercial purposes.

xrallstars® is a registered trademark. Copyright 2023 Carina Bucspun and Norman Wankowski. All rights reserved.